

CHF 103.00
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CDX-C0752-M02525 mgCHF 103.00
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Product Details
Synonyms 2-MCPD; 2-Chloro-1,3-dihydroxypropane; Glycerol β-Chlorohydrin
Product Type Chemical
Formula C3H7ClO2
MW 110.54
CAS 497-04-1
Source/Host Chemicals Synthetic
Purity Chemicals ≥98% (GC)
Appearance Colourless to pale yellow liquid.
Solubility Soluble in DMSO or methanol.
Identity Determined by 1H-NMR.
Declaration Manufactured by Chemodex.
Other Product Data

Click here for Original Manufacturer Product Datasheet
Our product description may differ slightly from the original manufacturers product datasheet.

Smiles OCC(Cl)CO
Shipping and Handling
Shipping AMBIENT
Short Term Storage +4°C
Long Term Storage -20°C
Handling Advice Keep under inert gas.
Very hygroscopic.
Use/Stability Stable for at least 2 years after receipt when stored at -20°C.
MSDS Inquire
Product Specification Sheet
Datasheet Download PDF

2-Chloro-1,3-propanediol (2-MCPD) is a heat-induced food contaminant present in oil- and fat-containing foodstuff. 2-MCPD is formed during the refinement of vegetable oils and fats and is therefore present in numerous oil- and fat-containing foods. This compound can be used as a reference compound for analytical studies.

Product References

(1) C. Crew, et al.; Food Addit. Contam. Part A Chem. Anal. Control Expo. Risk Assess. 30, 11 (2013) | (2) T. Buhrke, et al.; Food Chem. Toxicol. 106, 36 (2017) | (3) K. Schultrich, et al.; Food Chem. Toxicol. 142, 111459 (2020) | (4) A. Lampen; Process. Contam. Edible Oils 235 (2022)

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